The question I ask is: Do I need to agree in order to accept?. does agreeing with what is makes the situation better? Or change in any way? The disagreement dindnt come from the situation anyway. I see  acceptance is never about the situation but about meeting with understanding the thoughts I am having about the situation. Knowing that the thoughts I am having are my own and in understanding them I can find my freedom. I can’t authentically accept WHAT IS if I am having a thought about the situation that is disturbing my peace. How can I be allowing and accepting with what is if I can’t be allowing and accepting with my self?

Knowing this doesn’t always help in the moment that is happening. Where does the understanding come from? How can I be understanding with myself when the thoughts I am having are harsh and judgemental? My mind tries to find actions and strategies to be more understanding but it might not be possible. There is nothing to do because understanding is not an action. It’s a state of being. Meeting my own thoughts with understanding requieres an open heart and a loving disposition. When I find that understanding inside me, the thoughts and judgements dissolve and true acceptance is what it’s left

When I’ve learned to meet my thoughts with understanding, I meet the world with understanding. When I own my share in something, I just feel humility without the slightest urge to defend myself, it leaves me completely vulnerable. 

In my experience, confusion is the only suffering. Confusion is when I argue with WHAT IS. When I’m perfectly clear, WHAT IS is what I want. So when I want something that is not WHAT IS, I know that I am very confused. My constant mission in life is to take the misery out of everything. It sounds huge but in reality it’s very simple because there really isn’t anything, there is only the story I make of everything. And not even that...

“Make your thinking orderly and free from emotional overtones, and you will see people and things as they are, with clarity and charity” Sri Nisargadatta Majaraj
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